Mother's Day in my household is usually very similar to every other day. My children are teenagers and not parents, thank goodness, so they don't truly understand what it means to be a mom or a dad. I am NOT my husbands mother either. He and I have never celebrated any holiday by showering the other with gifts. For one thing, all our money is just that...our money. So buying a gift just spends our money. Which is fine, but not necessary to show the other that we love and care about them.
We try to celebrate Mother's and Father's Day by having our children focus on thinking of that particular parent. And to have them spend their money...not ours. Neither of my teenagers have jobs, therefore, my expectations are realistic. Typically I receive homemade cards, which I prefer over store bought ones, from makes them think and put forth some effort. Sometimes the cards I receive are elaborate, other times they are very simple. For me, a perfect Mother's Day is just being able to be with my family: no arguments (tough for a teen to do) and no major plans.
This year I received the above treasures. On Saturday, My daughter went back to her former elementary school for a festival they were having and she bought me a Mayapple. Technically she used my money, she was suppose to run with me in the previously mentioned Cancer Challenge but found herself torn between being with her friends and being with me. I told her choosing her friends was a good choice but she would need to make sure she spent money at the festival, not just hang out. She did spend the money I sent with her. She brought home the Mayapple, planted it in an old flower pot (that she painted from years past) and made me a card. Perfect!
After my run, my son and I went to B&N for a book fair his Science Olympiad team was benefiting from. As we were ready to purchase our books, and my son knows I LOVE books, he looked at me and questioned if there was anything he could get me for Mother's Day. Now, I know his cash flow is non-existent. I said he could take one of the books I was purchasing, have his teammates wrap it, donate a few bucks their way and that would be great. He didn't like my idea...he obviously wanted to make the total purchase himself. Later that day, my son asked his dad to take him shopping. The flowers in the vase are from him. Another perfect gift! I so rarely get flowers! Very thoughtful and within his budget.
The Fairy Door is something my husband found and the kids gave me. It is way cool! It will adorn our new house, which is in the woods, very near where the fairies and gnomes reside. The door can be hung outside or in and meant to welcome wee visitors. I can't wait to move!
On Monday morning, I dined with four friends on a post-Mother's Day breakfast. Only mom's were invited for a reason. I enjoy all my friends company but wanted to pamper these ladies because they are great mom's and I suspect their households are a lot like mine - usually they are taken for granted. Our being taken for granted isn't a bad thing, we all have the same understanding...our kids are kids and we aren't our husbands mother! I wanted a morning where we could all celebrate ourselves. So we did! I set the table with my special china and best silver. We drank and ate: mimosas, coffee, cinnamon scones, fruit and an egg casserole, and chatted the whole time. I had made miniature carrot cake cupcakes, but forgot to get those out! It was so nice to be able to share the morning with other mom's I admire. I enjoyed my Monday so much that I hope to make it an annual event.
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