...random thoughts, opinions and secrets on children... aging... cooking... crafts... nature...divorce...second chances...
and whatever else I deem curious...
~Copyright 2017. Hootie~

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

In the works....

I am trying to learn to love my latest project. For Christmas, I received this Knitted Toy Tales by Laura Long book from my daughter. It's a great "How to" resource. On FB, I posted a Handmade Pay-it-Forward in January. I am supposed to be making items to send to several friends. I decided I would knit things...so I started with the mouse. Not bad, but a little larger than I was expecting. Smaller needles can remedy that issue. My daughter voiced her opinion and suggested I make the doll. As I started, I decided she needed a name. I keep calling her Hannah or Sid(ney)...my Toy Story reference, since I don't think it's gonna look like the authors doll! I also don't really want to go on and finish her. Anyone want me to send her their way? I'll photo copy the rest of the directions and send her off.

You can even change her name, if you like! I'm going back to making animals. :)

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