...random thoughts, opinions and secrets on children... aging... cooking... crafts... nature...divorce...second chances...
and whatever else I deem curious...
~Copyright 2017. Hootie~

Sunday, October 16, 2011


Imagine going all summer long and bragging to your neighbors like some proud parent..."We have an Eagle's nest in the woods at the end of our road!"  Taking your teenage daughter to see the nest and then have her say, "I don't think that's an eagle's nest.  Have you ever seen an eagle on it? When is the last time you saw an eagle?"

True.  I had, and have, not seen an eagle on the nest. Also true, I haven't seen an eagle since July.  Still.  There is an eagle's nest in the woods at the end of my road and I know where it is!


Today we had our annual neighborhood (which really means street) potluck.  Guess what some of us talked about?

As the picnic was winding down, one of the neighbors turned to me and said he and another were going to go see that nest.  Did I want to come?  Now, feeling like I do kind of have a claim on this nest, OF COURSE I wanted to go with!!!  So shortly after the picnic ended, Winston and I headed down the road with 5 of our neighbors and their dogs.  We were about 3/4 of the way to the nest when we stopped because there was a sight in front of us that made us all freeze.  Sitting on the ground, very near the trail was...an eagle!  Talk about apropos!

I did have my camera with me, like always.  You'd think with 6 people and 6 dogs so near by the eagle would have high tailed it out of the area and not pose for his picture.  Please note: these photos have been cropped.  We weren't that close to him.  What a majestic sight!


Lauranie said...

That is so unbelievably COOL!!! So glad the eagle decided to make an appearance...just when you needed it to!! :)

Steph said...

yes, that is COOL!!!! And good for you for having the cam ready!