...random thoughts, opinions and secrets on children... aging... cooking... crafts... nature...divorce...second chances...
and whatever else I deem curious...
~Copyright 2017. Hootie~

Friday, December 28, 2007

Thinking of others...

A gift from the heart is something that someone has taken their time to make for another. It is one-of-a-kind...even if it comes from a kit or pattern. And it is filled with love.
This Christmas I gave two of my special friends basket liners that I made with each of them in mind. The liners fit into baskets for them to hold their knitting projects. I decided to secretly make my daughter one too. Her material is up above. The multi-colored material has trolls on it and the complimentary color is pink with white polka dots. Colors just for her! Pockets line the inside and out to hold necessities. In return, my daughter secretively made me the pictured doll. It is the best present I received this year. I know it was made with love. I have pulled the dolls dress up a bit in this picture so you can see her legs. It was completely crocheted - for ME! Fat Lily couldn't help herself and just had to be in the photo.
Being able to think of others and put them first is a special gift that not everyone possesses. It is unfortunate that as a parent I have to raise my children in such a selfish world. There are plenty of examples of selfishness. Too few are the examples of giving.
Where do you fit in the world? Are you a giver or a selfish taker? What/Who are the inspirations you strive to be like? How are you thought of and how will you be remembered?

1 comment:

sweetcakes said...

You are definitely a giver! Thank you so much for the lovely basket! I use it so much that don't know what I did before I had it!