...random thoughts, opinions and secrets on children... aging... cooking... crafts... nature...divorce...second chances...
and whatever else I deem curious...
~Copyright 2017. Hootie~

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Normal Life....

Barbarians, Chatting Teenage Girls and my husband wonders why he has back pain.
For a Latin class project my son dressed as a Barbarian today. He also took in Port Derby and Sage Derby cheese for his classmates to sample. Who would have thought Latin class in High School could be so much fun!
My daughter and her friend really are chatting online to one another in this photo. Her friend is translating her text into French and then my daughter is out loud responding to what her friend has said. Kids these days! How can people think they aren't creative!?
And lastly, my husband and daughter are playing Wii tennis. And he wonders why he has back problems?

1 comment:

sweetcakes said...

Well, that's what you get for having so many computers in your home.:) And, WOW, you really did cut Stephen's hair. I haven't seen him in awhile. Love the barbarian face paint!