...random thoughts, opinions and secrets on children... aging... cooking... crafts... nature...divorce...second chances...
and whatever else I deem curious...
~Copyright 2017. Hootie~

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Jeepers, Creepers....can you hear those Peepers?

Tonight, my husband and I are joining some friends in some nearby woods with plans to celebrate Spring!  We will drink wine, eat appetizers and listen to the spring peepers.    

Peepers are tiny little frogs who start their mating season in late March.  

As a guest, we are supposed to bring an appetizer to share.  My host has a wheat allergy so I have made tiny little finger sandwiches on gluten-free bread I baked.  Think chicken salad for my sandwiches.  They have grapes, celery, mayo and almonds in the mix.  Only the meat is not chicken.  :)

Happy Spring! 


sweetcakes said...

Did you tell your friends what the meat was before or after they ate it?

Lisa said...

Before! And they all got into it!

My kids, in-laws and then international Easter dinner guests all ate them too. Only my kids had trouble swallowing this adventurous treat. My son said it was the green crunchy stuff that was getting him. (celery) I don't think the green grapes helped him either! :)
