...random thoughts, opinions and secrets on children... aging... cooking... crafts... nature...divorce...second chances...
and whatever else I deem curious...
~Copyright 2017. Hootie~

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Rules for Hiking with Hootie - #1

Based on personal experience, I have a rule that anyone who hikes with me needs to follow...

If you take your cell phone with us, it must be turned ON.  Unlike going to the movies, we want to hear it just incase it decides to take it's own little tour of the woods without us. 

I don't think I can instill the safety-orange-colored-case-all-cell-phones-that-hike-in-the-woods-should-be-in rule since I haven't actually seen those cases.  Hmm, maybe I can invent them?

P.S. This is NOT my phone in the pictures.  Also, it wasn't the first one to take a little tour on it's own while out hiking with me.  :)

1 comment:

Steph said...

A good idea!