...random thoughts, opinions and secrets on children... aging... cooking... crafts... nature...divorce...second chances...
and whatever else I deem curious...
~Copyright 2017. Hootie~

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Radiation done...Chemo break...

So yesterday my mom finished her radiation and chemo treatments. Now we wait until the 25th for her to have her MRI. On August first she will have five more chemo treatments. The chemo increases from 140mg to 300mg.

Mom's steroids will cut down on Monday. She will go from three pills a day to one. Then two weeks later that one pill will be cut in half for two more weeks. Maybe getting off the steroids will help her shaking stop and her head not feel so heavy. She's been told the steroids weaken her neck muscles.

Yesterday mom also fell. She got moving too fast forward and fell into a "push up" position. I haven't talked to her to see if she's okay. Art told me and he didn't say she got hurt. He did say he tried to catch her, but he was behind her. Poor thing.

My sister e-mailed a picture of mom when she had her hair buzzed a few weeks ago. If I can figure out how to link it to here I will. In the picture mom's forehead hadn't turned all dark brown and leathery yet. She also doesn't look as tired as she looked in person last week when I was with her.

Maybe later I will feel like writing about my visit.

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