...random thoughts, opinions and secrets on children... aging... cooking... crafts... nature...divorce...second chances...
and whatever else I deem curious...
~Copyright 2017. Hootie~

Friday, March 05, 2010

House Hunting!

A month ago I caught these house hunting Bluebirds checking out my digs!  

I can hear Bluebirds singing each time I am outside.  I think Spring really is just around the corner.  :)


parTea lady said...

They are such pretty birds - nice photo.

Kimara said...

I so love blue birds. I was use to having blue birds in the yard, and although I only live 5 miles away from my old house, I can't seem to attract them to the yard. Such a shame. I'll live vicariously through your blue birds :) It smelled like spring today... yummy!

Lisa said...

I'm tempted, at times, to dress like a tree so I can get super close to the bluebirds for a photo opt!
I <3 them too! :)

My Father-in-law used to think we couldn't coax them here either Kimara, but I think if you can hear them, you can encourage them. I'm betting you have a house up for them to use, so you'll just need to plant a holly or elderberry bush for berry munching and encourage all the bugs to come to your yard! I know it is tough to encourage them though since they only hang out with you all for part of the year. Maybe I could send a few of our birds your way! :)