...random thoughts, opinions and secrets on children... aging... cooking... crafts... nature...divorce...second chances...
and whatever else I deem curious...
~Copyright 2017. Hootie~

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Wild breeds that do NOT play well together!

Last week 
 I saw 
this guy 
out in 
backyard.  The kids were about ready to head to the bus stop (which is through our backyard) and were a tad apprehensive when I pointed out our visitor.  

As I went out to take his photo the door sound scared him off.  My husband watched from inside and as I went out onto our back deck this fellow scurried under it!  

When my kids were well on their way to school, I watched as my friend sauntered out from his hiding place.  Now was my chance!  I snuck out my front door and made my way to the back deck.  I've read that skunks are timid, can't see very well and are afraid of people.  Their first response is to run; NOT to spray.  After about 15 minutes this guy went on his way thorough my in-laws backyard.  
On Saturday night I was reading a book inside my living room.  As I faced my back windows my lap-cat, Jack, noticed something outside moving around.  As I peered through the window I watched the skunk mosey out from under our deck once again.  There is a huge dug out hole under our deck...I guess we know who's roosting there now!  The skunk went about his business snacking on the grub worms in our lawn.  I watched him become spooked several times.  Each scare caused him to run back under our deck.  After a while I noticed something else coming into my backyard.  What I thought was the neighbors cat turned out to be a raccoon.  The raccoon must have a claim on the grubs in our backyard because he went after the skunk.  Both furry fellows ran under our deck.  I didn't see either reemerge, but I did smell a telltale sign of someone who was unhappy!  

1 comment:

parTea lady said...

My experience with skunks was not pleasant. I was sprayed at age four - I thought it was a kitty. Then several years later a skunk sprayed under our porch - the result of an unskillful exterminator. My Dad ended up having to replace the porch floor (what a smell!).